Chicago sculpture public art installation embassy suites hotel

In 2003 the architectural firm of Destefano and Partners contacted Karl Geckler LLC to create a marble sculpture for the lobby reception desk at the recently opened Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Chicago. Four illuminated niches behind the desk were the area of study.  I worked closely with Greg Randall of Destefano, submitting sketches for owner and architect review. A series of square, spiraling, tapering columns with partially embedded egg shapes at varying heights help give a sense of movement or progression. The blocks were cut from a huge slab of Giallo Sienna marble 4″ thick and required one month of carving with help from Andre of Dremana Productions. I would have preferred the pieces be thinner at points making for a more dramatic effect, but a deadline loomed and honestly, I was afraid of breaking the pieces! I had broken an earlier study and any repaired pieces would have been apparent.